The International Online Conference "Current Trends in Abstract and Applied Analysis" will be held online at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine) on May 12-15, 2022. All income from…
У 2022 році, замість звичних ЗНО, для вступу в заклади вищої освіти буде проведено Національний мультипредметний тест (НМТ). У тесті будуть, зокрема, завдання з математики. Факультет радіофізики, біомедичної електроніки та…
Congratulation to Ukrainian team on outstanding results on the European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO) - a mathematics competition for high school girls from all over Europe, and beyond. This year…
The Society is horrified and outraged by the invasion of Ukraine by Russian government forces. The devastation inflicted on Ukraine and its people is appalling and the Society condemns it…
In response to the crisis in Ukraine, our publisher partners are concerned with how the current conflict is affecting the ability to use information resources as needed to respond to…
На сайті Харківського математичного товариства можна знайти всі 58 випусків журналу «Теорія функцій, функціональний аналіз та їх застосування» (ТФА). ТФА видався Харківським університетом з 1965 по 1992 роки. В різні…
The Czech Academy of Sciences categorically condemns the acts of aggression by the Russian Federation against the territorial integrity and political order of Ukraine, which culminated during the early hours…
We strongly agree with the statements of the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany, the European Mathematical Society, and the President of the Max Planck Society. We are in strong solidarity with our…
Dear Research and Academic Community! The Russian Federation has committed an insidious and completely shameful military attack on our country! In 2022, cruise missiles with cluster munitions and vacuum bombs…
In view of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the enormous human suffering caused thereby, the ICMS will not be collaborating with institutions based in Russia or with close connections…
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to award the Abel Prize for 2022 to Dennis Parnell Sullivan of Stony Brook University, USA, and the Graduate School and…
"In collaboration with the regional institutions, we are preparing to welcome Ukrainian students and researchers and support them through scholarships, research and mobilty programs. It's as a sign of solidarity with the Ukrainian people and…
The Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach supports the Federal Government’s action against Russia’s attack on Ukraine, which is in violation of the international law. In the spirit of international understanding, we strongly…
Dear research foundations, universities, scientific institutions, and governments! We sincerely appreciate your willingness to support Ukrainian scientists that are endangered by the Russian invasion. We thank you for the numerous…
Sunday, 13 March 2022 06:57

Condolences – Yulia Zdanovska

The International Mathematical Union Committee for Women in Mathematics Committee (CWM)  deeply regrets the death of 21-year-old Yulia Zdanovska, who was a silver medalist at the European Women's Mathematical Olympiads…
We are shocked and appalled by the unprovoked attack on Ukraine by Russia and the humanitarian crisis it is causing. While our thoughts and heart-felt sympathy are with the Ukrainian…
Friday, 11 March 2022 07:35

IMA Statement on Ukraine

IMA President Paul Glendinning has issued the following statement on behalf of the IMA regarding the ongoing situation in Ukraine. The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications supports UK and…
The Council of the American Mathematical Society unanimously approved the following statement: The American Mathematical Society (AMS) strongly condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine and is deeply disturbed by the…
Elsevier condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine and joins the call for an immediate cease fire to protect civilians and restore peace. We stand with the people of Ukraine and…
The following statement on the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been aproved by the EMS Executive Committee, on 1st March 2022. The European Mathematical Society (EMS) supports the European Union’s…
Tuesday, 01 March 2022 15:45

Appeal from Ukrainian mathematicians

Dear EMS members, The whole world witnessed how on February 24, the President of Russia Putin started a military invasion of Ukraine, which is a blatant act of aggression on…
Dear colleagues! At 5 a.m. on February 24, 2022, the president of the Russian Federation launched an unmotivated and treacherous war against Ukraine and its people immediately united to resist…
Sunday, 27 February 2022 12:06

Statement of DMV board

Dear DMV members, many of you have written to us over the past few days sharing your concerns about the dramatic events in Ukraine. We, the members of the DMV…
The Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) has decided that: he International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) 2022 will take place as a fully virtual event, hosted outside Russia…
Friday, 25 February 2022 18:59

LMS Statement: ICM 2022

The London Mathematical Society notes with great concern the military situation in Ukraine and the likely impact on the 2022 International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM), which is planned to take…
The Executive Board of the European Mathematical Society is deeply concerned about the Russian invasion in Ukraine and expresses its strong solidarity with the people of Ukraine and our fellow…
The Czech Mathematical Society and the Czech National Committee for Mathematics express their deep concern about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We strongly appeal to the International Mathematical Union to…
The Canadian Mathematical Society is deeply concerned by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the issues that it brings forth. In light of recent events, the CMS has made a decision…
Wednesday, 23 February 2022 19:14

A statement from AMS President Ruth Charney

The AMS leadership is alarmed by the current situation in Ukraine and its implications for the 2022 International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM), scheduled to take place in St. Petersburg, Russia.…
В доме на ул. Багалея, 17 ученый жил с 1948 по 1980 год. Наум Ахиезер считается одним из создателей украинской математической школы. На протяжении многих лет он был президентом Харьковского математического…
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